“In the end, it’s not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away” – Shing Xiong

Saturday, June 28, 2014

answer to the question (a different question)

the question is so often what do Buddhists believe? The other day I answered with the Four Noble Truths,
(I am seldom good off the cuff) But then at 0400 in the morning (of course) I had the answer quite clearly - For me the single sentence that sums it up best is:

"Not one thing leads to happiness so much as a tamed, trained, guarded and restrained mind."
 ~ the Buddha

We "John Wayne and I Love Lucy americans," get a rush of refusal when hearing such words, we have been trained to believe that "Freedom" means wild, wanton, spontaneous, ad lib, responsive, seeking, following, wanting, craving, getting, keeping, hoarding, fighting, protecting, stealing, cheating, winning. 

The words have a different feeling when gently relaxed and happy from meditation, they are not threatening, do not raise specters of elementary school principles and catholic nuns with rulers approaching. At peace, we can see that each word describes a process that is nurturing and kind, wise and compassionate. 

Sometimes it is important to remember that the best thing to say is not to speak, but to wait for a better time when all are composed and receptive and in line with the universal mind. It might not be best to provoke fear and resistance with words that can be misunderstood. Often a shared cup of tea  will answer the question better. 

But non verbal communication is sometimes denied and ignored as well in our culture that bombards us with words continuously. So as Sensei points out all the time each situation is different and should get its own response. To add to Katagiri Roshi's words: "Sometimes, you have to say something."

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